Universitat Politècnica de València
UPV is a 45 years old institution adding up over 42.000 people, comprising 10 technical schools, 3 faculties and 2 higher polytechnic schools. With a strong international experience in ICT technologies applied to different domains, one of the main areas of work of the UPV is the application of ICT to the fields of Health and Social Services in three primary action lines (e-Health, e-Inclusion and Quality of Life)
SABIEN (Technological Innovations for Health and Wellbeing) is the major research department in e-Inclusion and eHealth of the UPV, has an extensive expertise in the application of ICT to the social and healthcare systems, in AmI and AAL.
Collaborating partner
Geroresidencias, S. L.
Gerorsidencias S. L. manages 17 long-term car home and daily care homes for elderly with 2100 users and 585 users of assisted living services i supportive housing in Spain.