Con el lema «un viaje por los sentidos y las emociones de las personas mayores» se celebrará el próximo 12 de Mayo la 7ª Jornada La Saleta InNova en la que participa el proyecto NutriPro.
Categoría: Sin categoría
NutriPro Project will participate in the 7th Conference «La Saleta»
With the moto «Sense and Emotions» NutriPro project will participate the following 12th of May in the 7th Conference La Saleta Innova, where public authirities, academic world, reseachers in the field of nutrition, elderly, nurse and psychologist, food professionls, cookers, etc. will debate around sense and emotions in the elderly.
NutriPro workshop
NutriPro project organised a workshop with local professionals in the field of nutrition, food and elderly care with the objective of:
- presenting main project results: NUTRIPRO App and Nutritional Programme,
- creating awareness among health professionals of the importance of maintaining optimal nutritional status to preserve quality of life of elderly in terms of vitality and functional ability,
- collecting professional impressions and needs around malnutrition screening routine.
15 professional of the different fields participated in a day workshop, mainly from Valencia area, last 26th of Frebuary.
The experience was very grateful and productive.
Telemedicine seminar in Poland
From 21st to 23th of October NutriPro participated in a telemedice seminar organised in Polan.
The seminar was focused on:
- Chronic diseases management.
- Innovation for health in social media.
- European innovation partnership of active healthy aging.
NutriPro team had the opportunity of presenting the NutriPro Application as a screening tool for malnutrition.
Collaborative meeting with EIP AHA Reference Sites
The last 1st and 2nd of July, NutriPro project had the opportunity to participate in a collaborative meeting of a EIP AHA Reference Sites with the idea to exchange of NutriPro results and feedbakc from other initiatives.
NutriPro had participated on on Airways ICPs and EIP RSCN (Reference site Collaborative Network) Meeting held on Lisbon and in the Integrated care pathways for airway diseasesof the EIP-AHA Reference Sites.
NutriPro Leaflet
Project dissemination material ready
Here we have the project leaflet with useful information of the project:
Welcome to NutriPro Project
NutriPro is the acronym of «Screening programme of the nutritional status of older people using ICT as support for routine screening and providing custimized guidelines for nutritional interventions»